Monday, November 15, 2010

Time to stop

Some people are afraid of the dark, most of spiders, being alone, death. My fear is time. It’s uncontrollable. You can’t stop time, nor will it stop for you. The common person rejoices on Friday because it’s the end of a hardworking week and now it’s time to relax but I don’t. Every Friday is a reminder that last week I was rejoicing over a week being over but here I am, the weeks are slipping by and I can’t catch them. My grandmother died on a Thursday. I had singing lessons every Thursday. After years of refusing to sing to her because of my selfish insecurities, i decided to sing to her as her days were slipping by. She passed away that day. She never got to hear me sing. The days that you waste;do nothing. Go make a memory. Time is so precious. No one dies peacefully. Everyone get’s killed. Who the killer is is the real question. The killer can be a person, cancer, disease, cars, accidents, time. Time is a killer but yet the least blamed. Time kills all. How much time? You walk through the hallways, streets, building and look around. People everywhere. You don’t know any ones fate. Neither do they. Time does. It could be seconds, minutes, hours, days, years until they leave this earth leaving behind memories. You can want more food, more money, more children and in some ways, by miracle it can happen. But you can never gain back the time lost. So sit back and appreciate the time well spent, and think about how time could be better spent.

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