Monday, September 28, 2009

Love is BLIND

For some odd reason, when we were all talking about walking through the community center blind folded, i thought of the saying love is blind. You think I'm kidding... i really did. I have no idea why but it popped into my brain. I always thought it meant that you love with no judgements, but being blind has a lot more depth. It's mostly about trust. Once you get into a comfort zone where you can trust the person that's leading you, everything becomes so much more easy. All your other senses also become stronger and listening to what's going on around you becomes so intense. When you lose that anxiety you get from feeling like you're about to fall off the end of the world, it actually becomes a lot of fun and very carefree. I think that is what i liked most about it. When you're walking down hallways or around a school, you're judging people, questioning thing you see, things you hear and your mind goes racing because of everything your surrounded by but when you can't see anything, if you're not worrying about bumping into anything, you basically have nothing to think about. In a sense it feels like your floating.

Der Blaue Reiter

Der Blaue Reiter was a German movement lasting from 1911 to 1914 that consisted of a group of artists from Munich Germany. Der Blaue Reiter revolved mostly around Franz Marc Wassily Kandinsky who we have talked about a lot in class. They believed in the promotion of modern art; the connection between visual art and music; the spiritual and symbolic associations of color; and a spontaneous, intuitive approach to painting. Their work promoted individual expression and broke free from any artistic restraints. I think the expressionist group is really cool considering how long ago it started, it's techniques we use today which shows how big of an influence they were.

Monday, September 21, 2009

My version of "Going Blind"

She held herself at the table
just as well as the others there.
When looking a little closer,
you would realize she help her cup differently
as she picked it up.
She smiled a forced smile.

As they all made their ways through the rooms,
she slowly trailed behind,
walking with caution.

In her eyes,
you saw explicit joy,

She slowly walks cautiously in and out
of obstacles that lay in her way.
Once she got past it,
she would be beyond all walking, and would fly.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm not sure where i want life to take me but at this rate... nowhere is where im heading.

My mom recently screamed at me saying that everything i do is always "half ass". Of course i yelled back saying something witty to make her feel stupid, turned around, walked back into my room and sat there. I was always envious of those Olympic winners or even the people that just participated because they worked their whole life on something and now they could be proud. Well, as mamma Stacom said, everything i do is always 50%. I play soccer, but heyy it's not like I'm gunna do it my whole life so who cares if I'm not that great. I sing, but I'm not comfortable singing in front of people so that really wont take me anywhere, so I'll take the lessons because i love to sing but no biggy if i skip a few. I love to act but Ive been working to get something big since i was 4 years old and commercials here and there aren't really a thrill anymore so I'll try hard but just like all the other times, the chances of fail are high. I don't know how to commit or stick to anything. I'm one of those people who always go threw phases. It doesn't matter what type of phase but I've had a million and of course it all started like everyone else; Polly pockets phase, bratz phase, barbie phase but then as i got older all the things i loved to do, once i failed, well i pretty much gave up and just added it to my long list of phases. It even comes down to my friends that i get so close to but then we lose touch and the weekends get busy and once again they become just a phase in my life. I'm not saying i have to pick what i want to do with my life now, i just think that some sort of organization and commitment needs to start soon. I'm not sure where i want life to take me but i feel at this rate... well nowhere is where I'm heading. I keep thinking I'm in 2nd grade and i have all this time to experiment and try new things out but in reality i have 2 years to attempt to start somewhere. I always need someone to push me to my potential but really i should be pushing myself. I think confidence is my main problem. Everyone always thinks I'm such a confident person but i think that's why I'm not amazing at one thing, i lack that "I'm gunna get this!" kind of thinking. I've been acting since i was 4 years old and I've done a ton of things here and there but I've always been waiting for my big break. That one thing that makes everything worth while. It gets a bit tiring audition after audition. I swear i must have gone on AT LEAST 1000 auditions and yet here i am writing a blog about how my life has gone nowhere. YES, i am only 15 but i have big plans for my life. I don't want to leave this world as a business woman, or a librarian... i want to be remembered. i don't know if that's too much to ask.. maybe it is but I've seen crazier dreams so for now I'll stick with that. I get nauseous reading magazines about how all these people go from movie to move... I want that in the worst way but they say young actors never last anyways so for now i guess I'll stick to the dream. This blog went totally off topic... even though it never really had a topic i was just rambling on about stuff that usually no one wants to hear about but it feels much better getting all of that out.

Eat at your own risk

Ingredients you will need:
1 Red Apples
3 cups mac and cheese in a box
4 eggs
2 cups of captain crunch
2 cups of cake mix
6 drops of purple food coloring
1/2 cup of rice and beans
6 waffles
1. Get the cake mix ready (add water and stir)
2. Get a 12x6 cake pan
3. Layer the bottom of the pan with waffles
4. Scramble the eggs.
5. Add drops of food coloring to the cake mix
6. slowly mix in the scrambled eggs to the cake and let sit for 10 minutes
7. make the macaroni and cheese (hot water and powder cheese)
8. Layer the macaroni and cheese on top of the waffles for a 1 inch think mac and cheese layer
9. Go to taco bell and buy high quality rice and beans and put that in the blender for a creamy topping.
10. Add the cake mix on top of the macaroni and cheese and keep in refrigerator for 23 minutes.
11. Turn the Captain Crunch into a bread crumb consistency
12. Put cake in oven at 223 degrees for 23 minutes
13. When cake has cooled down, add a creamy, thick layer of rice&beans icing
14. Sprinkle the crunched captain crunch on top of the cake
15. Eat the apple you had left over as a reward for your hard work

Sunday, September 13, 2009

“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”

Trying to look semi normal... while being interviewed.. which caused laughter.. and in front of the whole class. Easy enough...but hey at least we all had to do it! :) Now i present to you the wonderful photos taken by fellow stacies(or atleast my favorite ones).

I love this picture of Dina because its simple and very natural.

I don't even know why I like this picture i just do.. its kinda crazy.

Ilana looks so Innocent and has a sweet smile.

Michelle looks so cool in this picture shes on her way to a smile

Molly pondering life's meaning.

I love this picture! It's so sweet.

The background is a little distracting but it's a really laid back picture.

This is a very fun picture!

I like that she's looking down and smiling. :)

Side shot! i like that its not posed at all.

I love that it's dead center and you can see that she's a sweet person through the picture.

such a nice smile!

hahah he looks like he should be saying "heyyyyy"

This picture is so fun, i love that she's intensely laughing.

Her smile just makes me smile!

There were so many funny ones but i like this one cuz shes smiling/laughing.

Explaining his love for lipstick? Possibly

this is such a cute picture. big smilee :)

I like that it's so close up. His eyes really connect to the camera.

Deep in thought.

Picture Perfect

hahaha this picture is so funny!

This picture is really chill.. i feel like i could totally see it in some magazine.

This picture looks like she just saw Santa! love it

Aw you looked so nervous in all the other pictures. You look happy but you can tell your hiding your nerves its really cool :p

I lover her hands in this picture!

She looks so Innocent!

such a cute picture! I love that her face is all scrunched up.

Some how, she has managed to make a silly face and look pretty at the same time.

This picture is amazing! You get so much of her personality from it.

Friday, September 11, 2009

hello blog, nice to meet you.

Picking a topic for what to blog about is not as easy as it sounds so here is my plan---> I'm gunna write about anything and everything and eventually a theme will start to show up in what i write about ... or at least i hope so. I have an intense sleeping problem so when everyone else is sleeping, I'm laying in my bed, staring at my ceiling for hours on end and you think about a lot of crazy things before you go to sleep like death and why we're here and what's our purpose and i have a few theories because I've had hours on end to think about lot of "stuff". Some of my thoughts are a bit twisted but i think blogs are a perfect way of getting out everything we think without any interruptions or rebuttals. Read the article and if you don't agree with it... well then stop reading it. I could argue for days against abortion and animal cruelty(vegetarian all the way), and basically anything i believe in. So, this is the start to me unraveling my brain.