Monday, September 28, 2009

Love is BLIND

For some odd reason, when we were all talking about walking through the community center blind folded, i thought of the saying love is blind. You think I'm kidding... i really did. I have no idea why but it popped into my brain. I always thought it meant that you love with no judgements, but being blind has a lot more depth. It's mostly about trust. Once you get into a comfort zone where you can trust the person that's leading you, everything becomes so much more easy. All your other senses also become stronger and listening to what's going on around you becomes so intense. When you lose that anxiety you get from feeling like you're about to fall off the end of the world, it actually becomes a lot of fun and very carefree. I think that is what i liked most about it. When you're walking down hallways or around a school, you're judging people, questioning thing you see, things you hear and your mind goes racing because of everything your surrounded by but when you can't see anything, if you're not worrying about bumping into anything, you basically have nothing to think about. In a sense it feels like your floating.

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