Tuesday, November 24, 2009

work chopss

"All our progress is unfolding like a vegetable bud. You have at first an instinct, then an opinion, then a knowledge as a plant has a root, bud and fruit. Trust your instinct until the end, though you can render no reason."

I've really liked the acting work shops we've been doing lately. These workshops have really helped me sit bad and just watch. You have no idea how much it helps when you're watching someone else's monologue and they get feed back on it that could pertain to your acting too. Most advise given to a person on their monologue can help your perfect your too! My favorite advise that Joyce has given is to BREATHE. It makes such a difference while doing your monologue. I never realized how much of a difference it makes but when you watch someone, and they actually breath instead of doing their monologue in one breath, it looks 20x better and more "organic".

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