Monday, November 16, 2009

And according to the cell theory, we can conclude that .... "Oh, she looks cute in her default"

I've finally figured out my problem. Thanks to Luke I have come to conclusion that I am horrible at getting things done and committing to doing thing daily. It's amazing how I've been procrastinating, not getting things done, then feeling like shit all of the next day not having the slightest idea why. Facebook is my number one killer. I can openly say that I am a "facebook whore". It's all I do. I take facebook stalking to the next level and get all caught up in picking apart everyone else's lives that I forget to keep up with my own. I never get homework done. I do science homework in the morning, I do math homework in science, I do Italian homework in Italian and in Italian I do English homework so clearly I have a horrible way of getting things done. I'm convinced I have A.D.D but I don't think that excuse would fly by my teachers so greatly. I wish I was good at getting things done because I always have great ideas for blogs. While I'm in class my head goes crazy with ideas to write about but instead I comment on my friends default picture reminding her of the great times we had forgetting SHE WAS THERE AND SHE DOESN'T NEED TO BE REMINDED OF IT. If only I could think like this while I went around liking everyone's statuses. I just made a promise to myself that I will do one blog every day. It will be good to have me commit to something besides breathing. I can't even commit to taking medicine every day. I'm supposed to be taking medication for my knee because it's inflamed or some crap like that and of course I've taken the pills maybe twice and i got them two months ago. I'm not hurting anyone else besides myself... of course if my knee suddenly gives out while I'm walking down the stairs and i take out a couple of kids ... well then i guess I'm hurting other people too but commitment sucks and I'm determined to conquer it.


  1. LOL! This is great. Please write everyday. And take your medicine.

    The facebook thing we'll have to come up with a strategy on it...


  2. Simple enough. Delete. It.

    Or just survive without a computer with you. That kicked me the right way.

    Or start with little things, like shutting your phone off when you go home, or limiting internet time.

  3. I agree with what you say about checking people's facebooks and tracking their lives makes you forget about your own. I think it's because our lives can get boring, so we see what other people are doing. I think one solution could be to delete your facebook. Or find something fun to do eveyday so that you don't get bored and look at other people's facebook for fun.

    Oh, and good luck with keeping a blog up everyday.

  4. You could bribe yourself... for ex.. promise that you'll get your math and science hw done, then give yourself 15 minutes of facebook stalking. then do english and italian, then 15 more minutes of facebook. or something along those lines. Then facebook acts as a reward and we LOVE rewards.
