Monday, January 31, 2011


So, during my adventures into researching Gregg Goldston the first thing that came to mind was "holy crap did this man work hard at acheiving his dream". At 18 he figured out what he wanted and didn't stop until he was working with the best. What do I expect while working with this guy? Well, comming from a man who saw no limits, I asume we will be pushed to our own which I'm excited for considering sometimes I need a little push. While watching one of his videos speaking he said that Marcel Marceau worked on huge stage as a single man but some how always looked big, that's what I want to achieve. A presence thats's bigger than my body using something so simple. I think mime will be fun becuase it's some what a truer form of acting. You can't "fake act" with your body. Either there's a natural flow or you've failed. That's atleast how I see it. I'm excited to see how such a master of such work passes on knowledge in such a simple way for us. Bring on the mime.

1 comment:

  1. "Marcel Marceau worked on huge stage as a single man but some how always looked big, that's what I want to achieve. A presence thats's bigger than my body using something so simple. "

    Excellent. You know what you're going for.
